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AV RingtoneMAX 1.0_手机铃声制作工具|声音录制转换为响铃_下载_软件下载

2022-04-06 01:48:45 31

AV RingtoneMAX是一个自由和易于使用的手机铃声制造商。这个小工具将帮助您创建您自己的声音,笑声,或singging手机从CD音轨,音频文件,视频文件,视频剪辑,独特的铃声。你可以撕裂,剪切,编辑,或混合使用不同的音轨,或使自己的声音记录,文件或添加不同的冷静和有趣的音频效果。最后的铃声可以保存在任何驱动器,或直接发送到手机通过蓝牙发送功能的程序。

AV RingtoneMAX 图片 01

AV RingtoneMAX is a free and easy-to-use ringtone maker. This small tool will help you to create unique ringtones for your mobile phone from your own voice, laughs, or singging, from CD tracks, audio files, video files, and video clips. You can rip, cut, edit, or mix different audio tracks, or make a recording of your own voice, or add different cool and funny audio effects to the file. The final ringtone can be saved to any drive or sent directly to a cell phone via the Bluetooth sending feature of the program.


相关搜索:AV 手机铃声

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